304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
With so many new online business opportunities available, it can be difficult to decide which one suits you best. Maybe you are a low-income earner with limited funds to start a business. Perhaps you are more time shy and cannot devote a large amount of time to an online business. Maybe you don’t do stress and want something that is easy to operate. Maybe you’d like an Internet business that’s easy to operate and doesn’t require a lot of stress.
If any of these apply to your situation, then writing and/or selling e-books might be the business for you.
Think about it, E-books are available everywhere you go online. And available in practically every subject from cooking to home decor to financial tips. They are super easy to buy online. You can download them in a matter of minutes and read them at your own convenience.
An advantage of an e-book business is you’ll have no inventory to keep up with, no overhead costs to produce the e-book (unless you invest you outsource your writing), and no shipping hassles.
Let’s have a look at five Steps you can make money selling e-books
The secret to selling E-book’s success is to build a business selling items that interest you. Trust me, i have tried to start a business in something that did not interest me. Not only did I find it tedious and boring, but I failed miserably.
Do you want to help people with finances or to help them get out of debt? Sell e-books related to finances. Do you enjoy arts & crafts? Sell e-books about arts & crafts. Are you a seasoned fisherman? Offer tips about fishing in an e-book. The list goes on and on, and you can make money on the Internet while doing something you actually love to do!
For example, I am interested in both dividend investing so it makes sense that I would pick a book like Too Much Money
If you are going to sell a product, you should know what the products are about. This will help you when you are promoting the product. Help you to answer potential customer questions, write effective sales presentations, and offer insight about the e-books to your readers.
Trust me it’s much easier to sell something you believe in, and it is in your best interest to ensure that the book you are offering is top quality. If you blindly promote someone else’s e-books without reading them, you hurt your credibility and ability to make money online.
Once you decide on a few e-books to offer, it’s time to promote them. Before I really started promoting online I would have told you that you’ll want to start with a great website and effective sales presentations. Without these, you won’t be able to convert the visitors to paying customers. But that is not something I completely agree with anymore. While having a website is useful and hiring a professional sales writer to create copy for you is great. It is no longer needed in my opinion.
You can sell perfectly fine on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram. I have made 4 figures just from twitter which is far more than I have made from trying to do anything on this blog.
Don’t believe me? Than Check out these from Chris Johnson
If you still decide to go down the website route. Here are a couple of tips.
You can also write your own e-books. if you feel you lack the writing skills then hire someone to write them. Once you start selling your own e-books you can build a customer base by storing their emails. Whenever you release a new book, you now have a customer base to promote this book to those who have bought a book from you before. If they liked it, chances are they might buy the next book from you. If you want to offer additional services besides selling e-books, you might use the e-books to gain a customer base first. Then, you can introduce your main services.
For example, in the image below I have a screenshot of my own e-book. I wrote the book to provide value to my readers but to also hopefully attract new customers who may want to buy products from me in the future. By offering value and being transparent, I hope readers would trust me enough to know I would only promote products I believe in
Another way to make money online with e-books is to teach others to sell e-books. You can offer commissions or rights to e-books and help others build a new online business. However, my friend Dividend Cultivator has an Ebook called Copy, Twist, and Spin which will teach you to create your own e-book for Free. Below is a screengrab of what you can expect from his free e-Book.
Selling e-books has many advantages over selling physical products or offering various services. You can save time and money by offering e-books 24/7 and by automating your business to make it work for you. Start searching online today for e-book opportunities of your own or simply create one that you wish you had when you were starting your own journey.
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