304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
It’s Time for the November 2021 portfolio update. Who can believe it is November is over already, Feels like I only blinked and it was over. Always at this time of year, the scramble in my 9-5 ramps up as we look to close out projects before we break for the Christmas holidays. For me, this meant less time in front of a screen and less activity in the markets. But that is the beauty of dividend growth investing, I basically did nothing all month and I still had income hit my Brokerage account.
On the side, I was recently contacted about my thoughts on stock trading Apps in the Sunday Times newspaper. I was quite chuffed to be asked thanks to a recommendation from Ben Luong a fellow investor who is originally from the UK but now has the pain of ISA-free Ireland to invest from. Check out his website here .
Here is the link to the Sunday Times article
Anyway, Let’s see how I did for the month
This graphic might look nearly identical to the one I posted for October’s update. That is because, for the first month in nearly 3 years, I have not bought any shares. This wasn’t really planned, but to be honest, I have been putting in long hours the last 4 weeks and by the time I get home my head is not in a place to fire up the laptop and start looking at who I want to buy.
I was also a little be less active in my options trading, but I have opened up 3 new LEAPS or long-term positions. Actually, even though the expiration date is 12 months out, I was hoping for a quick bounce and to get out early. But more on that later.
There is only one change to the US portfolio and that was selling all 10 shares of Verizon(VZ). While looking at my portfolio, I realized that I have no real intention of adding any more shares or Verizon. I already have 100 shares of At&T and 50 Shares of Orange. I sold them at a slight loss which is no harm as we are in Tax filing season here in Ireland and it keeps me below the €1250 capital gains exemption limit.
The has also been one change in my European portfolio. I sold a covered call on Ahold Delhaize which got assigned and reduced my position size from 150 to 50 shares.
In November I received a total of €128.05 after tax in dividends from 7 different companies and 3 CEFs. This is up from $106.52 for the same period in 2020
This brings my total amount of dividends received this year to €1862 exactly with still 1 month of the year left to go. I will be extremely close to hitting the €2k mark for the year.
Usually, I track my portfolio in a gsheet that I copied from the measure of a plan and amended to suit my own needs. The spreadsheet is fantastic and the author clearly did a lot of work to produce such a high-quality tracker. However, for those looking for something a little more simplistic, then check out
Here are my closed option trades for October
In total, I earned $233 in option premium from 5 different companies. I have been selling covered calls on $AMS:AD $UAL and $CCL. While selling puts on $OCGN. I was assigned on both $AMS:AD and $UAL which means my wheel is not complete on UAL and I no longer own any shares in them.
$WISH and $CCL are all assigned to me over the last couple of months. I am happy to own both $CCL relatively long term but I am starting to wonder what I should do with $WISH. At the moment I am reducing my breakeven point but the premiums are becoming so low, it starting to feel like it is not worth it. I am thinking about taking the loss on this company and learning the lesson that I should only wheel companies I do mind owning long term.
Here are my current open trades for the month
Awesome website. Been listening to your podcast as wel. Keep up the good work
Thank you Tom, really appreciate it
Excellent month Derek. Congrats on the fantastic month. That growth rate compared to last year is EPIC!!!