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Dorchester Center, MA 02124
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Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
Apparently September is historically one of the worst months for Stocks. I don’t know if this is true like CNN suggests but honestly I don’t really care. As a dividend growth focused investor, I’m not concerned by the fluctuations of the market. In fact if the market drops, I can buy more which makes it a good thing.
I accept that many investors will have a different view and there are some eloquently made alternatives in this thread on commonstock. However I like to invest in a business with a strong balance sheet and can generate enough cash to grow its dividend every year. Check out my September portfolio review below.
Recommended Read – How to Start Investing in Dividend Stocks
By constantly adding cash to my account every month I am slowly edging towards my goal of being able to live off my dividend income. My PADI is 8.05% towards my goal after tax, This is actually up by 0.05% from last month even though we have added to 8 positions. This is because of the sale of Red Eelctrica which was a high yielding utility.
Unilever remain my biggest holding by accounting for 9.88% of my portfolio. This is own from 10.56% last month and I hope to decrease it to under 9% this month.
I have added one more company to my US portfolio which is Blackstone (BX). It was actually after I bought a position in Alibaba that Charles over at Financial Freedom is a Journey reached out and told me (in a nice way) that he would not touch them with a barge pole. In the same email he pointed me towards an article he just wrote on Blackstone. you can read it here
While Blackstone are not your typical dividend growth company, they have an impressive history of delivering returns for investors and their partnership with AIG looks like a match made in heaven. While the dividend may fluctuate based on distributable earnings, I expect the company to more than make up for it with capital appreciation over the next ten years.
Recommended Read- Blackstone – Stock Analysis (
There was only 2 changes in my European portfolio. I sold Red Electrica BME: REE from a covered call and bought Rio Tinto in its place. REE was one of my first ever dividend stocks along with Glanbia so I was a little sad when it left my portfolio but I will be buying cash secure puts over the next couple of months on them again.
Rio Tinto (RIO) was inspired by my buddy European DGI. I do not know as much about the company as I would usually like before investing but my portfolio was really low on industrials and eDGI did a great job at explaining why they might be a good investment. I bought a smaller than usual portion until I get some time to read through their annual reports.
In September I received a total of €188.65 in dividends from 8 different companies.
This brings my total amount of dividends received this year to €1633 exactly with still 3 months of the year left to go.
Usually for my September portfolio review, I track my portfolio in a gsheet that I copied from the measure of a plan and amended to suit my own needs. The spreadsheet is fantastic and the author clearly did alot of work to produce such a high quality tracker. However, for those looking for something a little more simplistic, than check out
This is one of my favourite trackers to date. The dashboard is nice and clean and has some nice features such as Future projections and upcoming dividends.
Closed trades for September
In total I collected I collected a Total Profit of €68.5 from DEGIRO and $549.5 from IBRK. I was initially assigned ENDP but managed to wheel out of that position by selling an in the money covered call.
Below are my Open Trades for October
As always, these trades are not recommendations and I am still very much a novice at this so don’t follow my lead on any of these trades.
If you would like a copy of the template I use to to perform stock analysis than feel free to grab your copy below.
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Simply Investing Report review – For investors who might like to have all the research done for them
Sure Dividend – Ben and his team help individual investors build high-quality dividend growth portfolios for the long run and offer a lot of excellent content for free. I also write company review articles on Sure Dividend each Quarter.
Dolphin Utilities – If you want to save money from your utilities than check out these guys. (If you mention my name, i receive a small fee while you save money)
Disclaimer - Engineer my Freedom is not a licensed or registered investment adviser or broker/dealer. We are not providing you with individual investment advice on this site. Please consult with a licensed investment professional before you invest your money. This site is for entertainment, informational, and educational use only. Any opinion expressed on the site here and elsewhere on the internet is not a form of investment advice provided to you. We use information, data, and sources in the articles we believe to be correct at the time of writing them, but there is no guarantee of their accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or correctness. We are not liable for any losses suffered by any party because of information published on this site or elsewhere on the internet. Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. By reading this site or subscribing to it, you agree that you are solely responsible for making investment decisions in connection with your funds.
Nice results Derek! We share no less then 11 companies in our portfolio. 9 US and 2 European. Awesome to see your options activity as well.
This month was my best month ever, I’ve just posted my results.
Keep up the great work!
Hi Derek, just wanted to ask what option strategies you usually use? In your review, I see covered calls and cash secured puts. Cheers, Libor
Pretty much use a wheel startegy which involves selling cash secured puts and selling covered calls. Nothing too fancy
Hey Derek, seeing ENDP the first time – how did you choose them? Do they have a solid business behind them?
Hey Phil, actually came up in a discord group I’m in, I can send you the details if you like