Start Here!

Welcome to! I am absolutely honoured to have you as part of this community.

It is my belief that with a little bit of careful planning,learning and intention you can reach financial freedom in 10/15 years!

That might be a bold statement but it is exactly what i am trying to achieve!

My aim with this blog is to Learn, Teach, Motivate and Inspire. If I can help just one person start their journey to financial freedom than this blog will be a success

Step 1: Get to know me!

Who am I and why should you listen to me?

Well to start, I should introduce myself! My name is Derek and you may have guessed from the name of this blog name but I work full time as an engineer.

Let me tell you a couple of things that I am not first.

  1. I am not a Financial Expert.
  2. I am not here to give specific financial advice. Take what I say as part of my journey but not actionable advice you must take!

Now the bad stuff is out of the way let me tell you a couple of things that I am!

  1. A regular guy who works 9-5 on a modest income
  2. Passionate about Reaching Financial Freedom.
  3. Passionate about meeting and connecting with like-minded people.
  4. Someone who loves to learn and pass on what I learn to others.

If you are interested to know a little bit more about my story than feel free to check out my about page. While your there, drop a line to say hello and introduce yourself!

STEP 2: Lets Team Up

I really believe in strength in numbers. It is impossible to know everything but if you are surrounded by people who have the same interests than you will likely find the answer you were looking for.

If you would like to keep up with what is happening than please subscribe to my newsletter below! I promise not to spam and only send emails that are worthy and interesting!

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We are also on almost all popular social media platforms.So feel free to reach out on any of the social media platform below

Step 3 – Sit Back Relax and Listen!

One of my favorite things to come from this blog was meeting European DGI and starting our Podcast – Dividend Talk.

I have wrote what to expect from Dividend talk here!

We are on all major podcast platforms and just to give you a little taster check out our latest episode below.

STEP 4 – Grab a coffee a read

This Blog was started in 2019 but I have only really began writing in properly on it since Jan 2020. I will update this page constantly but some of the posts you care expect from me are outlined below

Fundamental Investing

Every day is a learning day and I am constantly trying to better myself. I will use this section to write about the fundamentals of investing from my point of view. I expect this section to grow over time but Examples of posts to expect are

  1. How Safe is your Dividend – Dividend Payout Ratio
  2. Dividend Aristocrat List
  3. 5 Common Investing Mistakes
  4. 4 Steps to Screen Dividend Companies
  5. Can you Retire on Dividend Paying Stocks
  6. ETF v Stock Picking Ireland
  7. Sector Allocation
  8. Profitable Stock Picking

Monthly Dividend Investing Review

I don’t have to share my dividend investing income, but I like to be transparent. My hope is that someone will see that the growth is real and financial freedom is achievable in 15 short years. Check out some of my posts from 2020 below.

  1. June 2020 Monthly Dividend Review
  2. May 2020 Monthly Dividend Review
  3. April 2020 Monthly Dividend Review

Dividend Stock Review

The plan is to review all 40 stocks in my portfolio. I am hoping to complete one a week for the rest of 2020. So far I have 2 done

  1. AOS Dividend Review
  2. ADP Dividend Review
  3. 5 Defensive Stocks to consider this month

Property Investing

Part of my retirement plan is to own a couple of houses that I can rent out each month. Not quite there yet But will document my Journey here

  1. Getting One Step On the Property Ladder
  2. Real Estate Investment

Passive Income

The Holy grail. The end goal is to retire completely from passive income. I will write about passive income topics here

  1. 8 Steps to achieve Financial Freedom
  2. 4 Income Streams I’m working on Right Now
  3. Make Money Selling Ebooks

Again please don’t be afraid to contact me with any feedback or questions. I’d love to hear from you.

Glad to have you here.

Until next Time!


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